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Friday, December 14, 2007

Another suicide at Wisma Merdeka!!

Now it is officially Wisma Merdeka is the place where all the suicider would love to end their life by jumping from the building....huhu..

Yesterday, about 5.24pm at Wisma Merdeka, a suicider jumpde from the 9th floor of the building...

As the local newspaper reported, the name of the suicider is Kamaruddin Ahmad (age 31) from Taman Sempelang in Sembulan. They said that he was a local....erm...mcm bajau saja tu sa nampak....sbb gelap2...He used a dustbin to break a window on the 9th floor before he jumped down. *kenapa dia tidak langgar trus pakai body kan?lagi cool*..... of the amazing moments of my life was i saw he fell....not from the beginning la..but just nampak he limpas jatuh and heard a 'bang' sound on the roof outside..then i ran to the window and look down...aik no death body?? then i ran to the ground floor and see the dead body covered with banner ad. Blood?? baaaanyak sekali.......huhuh

But i'm sad because i left my camera in my car.....(T_T)........

I just take this picture when i got back to the carpark....mau pulang suda..malas mau tunggu ambulan...

- at the crime scene..hehe tu kuning2 tu dead picture to enlarge

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- this one in can see where he fell 1st...then where i 1st see on the 1st floor that time..


- nah...this 3rd pic..zoom in could see the dustbin near the body.the on could see a little object..grey object like dustbin or baldi i think. Thats where he landed 1st before fell to the ground...uhhhhh....sakitnya itu....

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sorry for the quality of the pictures....hehe....

thats my blog's update...wooohhooooooo

p/s: i think wisma merdeka management should consider to use bullet proof or should we say dustbin proof glass to hold the suicider jumped from the building..hehehe

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