huhuhu...poor me. Just got my payment after hold it for months...hehehe. malas mau kasi keluar bah..try to kumpul2 dulu.but i cannot tahan suda..heheno money suda o...mani adalah..muahahahaha
Advertlets punya...masih hold...nuffnang also kasi hold...mau tahan2 smpai banyak baru mau ambil...mau kumpul beli DSLR...pstt, adik sa ckp di tempat dia UK boleh beli body D200 around 300 pound....~RM2K++ la...body only a....
erm...i went to Cimb at Inanam yesterday...teda org!!!!!just 2 people before my turn..apa yang funny, when i gave the form, the 2 ladies at the counter ask me, "Macam mana kau boleh dapat ini duit a??"...erm suddenly i feel like im the big boss o...hahaha. Padahal sikit ja withdraw..dlm USD140++ ja...maybe if i'm the owner of kan...baru la cool sikit...or ka...lagi cool..hehe
erm..bah...itu saja la...ada juga duit2 sikit..hehe buli suda bikin 'tinted' kereta ni...skrg ada promotion di sana CarWash sebelah simpang D'Junction tu....ada rm78 satu kereta..hehe
bah...ok time lagi..chow...
p/s: Di mana lagi yg ada promotion tinted kereta ni?? or mana lagi yg murah2 mau tinted?...kestau saya....
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