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Friday, March 7, 2008

Blogging while offline?? Check this cool SoftwareSS!!

Happy - Happy Moments

I'm sharing with you what makes me VERY HAPPY to blog!!

Oh yeah....ok this Ultimate list might be your best solution WHEN :

  1. You want to blog now, but cannot finish it...and want to continue later...
  2. You want to blog, but too lazy to open your browser and login into your Wordpress,Blogger etc.....
  3. Or...while you're blogging, you want to insert some Tags like Technorati tags but too lazy to type or copy the code...*you want it automatically done,just write the words*
  4. and many more....*lazy to wrote la*

Ok...thats some of your(our) problems...So, now you can be more lazy with this ULTIMATE LIST OF DESKTOP BLOGGING CLIENTS. Thanks to Hongkiat for compiling this list.

So go and Check his post....shuhh!!! Shuhh!!! Shuhh!!!!

*after all, this post's objective is to update this blog......mission accomplished..*

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