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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

HowTo Put Custom Logo in Your Windows System Properties

I share with you something from Maximum PC Magazine March 2008.

Brand your PC with a custom logo. OEM vendors often dress up the System Properties screen with a custom logo and support information, giving prebuilt PCs an air of professionalism. Well guess
what? You can add the same personal touch to your own machine in just a few easy steps.

  1. Open up any photo-editing program and create a 180x114-pixel image.
  2. Save the image as a bitmap and name it oemlogo.bmp, then
    place it in C:\Windows\System32.
  3. Next, create a Notepad file in the same folder and save it as
    oeminfo.ini. OEM resellers use this file to enter customer-support information, but you can write whatever you wish as long as you use the following format:
    Manufacturer=Your Name/What ever
    Model=Your Name/What ever
    [Support Information]
    line1=Visit this blog everyday :
  4. If you need more space, just create a new line.

Heres mine :


Try this "HowTo Put Custom Logo in Your Windows System Properties" at your PC now!!

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